Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #763

Hello TMS friends!  We're so happy that you're here.  Before we get to the actual week's post, let's give a shout to Jennie and Margaret.  They were the only ones who played along last week and they did an amazing job with the sketch.  So did the design team.  I want to give a shout out to Patti for hand-painting an alpaca!  My team is so talented and I am so happy to have them with me on this adventure.

Now speaking of adventure... Tuesday Morning Sketches turns 15 this month!  We will be celebrating all month long with old sketches (from 2014) and we'll have prizes, small ones, all month long.

I know it would make better sense to feature 2015 sketches, but I chose 2014 for a reason.  It was the last year we had former DT member Jessi Fogan with us before she resigned due to health reasons and sadly she'd leave this world a few short years later.  I wanted to pay tribute to this beautiful, even a bit snarky soul.  So it's one of her sketches that we kick off this birthday celebration!

This is sketch TMS #246 originally published April 22, 2014. 

The design team did a really great job with their cards, too.  


And now it's your turn!  I do hope you'll play along and if you played with this sketch when originally posted, please feel free to link that, too!  We'd love to revisit your work.  We do have a prize - it is small and it is a surprise, but I promise you will like it!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.


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