Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #768

Hello friends!  Thank you for joining us last week and helping us celebrate our 15th birthday.  Before we get to this week's sketch, let's give a shout out to...

#1 Karen C

And the winner is....

#5 Stamps-n-Lingers (Mary Deatherage)

Mary, please email me at tuesdaymorningsketches at gmail dot com and put "Winner TMS #767" in the subject box.  Again, I ask for patience with me to getting prizes out.  I still don't have a car to get to the post office.  I promise as soon as I get my car back, prizes will go out.

Now, onto this week's sketch.  Remember, a shape is just a shape and can take on many others.  Feel free to use the sketch literally and use hearts or expand on your creativity and do a whole lot more.  We just need to be able to recognize the sketch.

Here's the sketch....

Before we get to the design team projects, I have a sad announcement.  This is the last week for our friend Debi.  She's been on the team for 4 years and has decided her crafting life needs to take on a different direction.  We have enjoyed her cards over the years and wish her the best.  Debi - we will miss you but hope you'll join us as a player.


And now it's your turn!  Have fun with this sketch.  Get creative!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you for the call out. Not sure what that means, but I do appreciate it. :)

  2. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely work by the design team.


What Tuesday Morning Challengers have to say...